Monday, December 16, 2013

Superhero (healthcareWoman)

-To me, a superhero is an individual who posses extraordinary, supernatural powers. A superhero is usually strong, intelligent, fearless, aggressive, and just.

Favorite superheroes:
I like Aquaman, because I feel he is the most underrated superhero and he fights crime on land AND sea.

I like Superman because he's strong and he fights for justice.

I like Wonderwoman because she is as strong and powerful as the male superheroes.

Real heroes:

All members of our Armed Forces are heroes, as they protect our freedom and risk their lives for others.

Doctors are heroes, as they help saves lives.

Scientists are heroes, as they work to improve and save lives constantly.

Three important social issues:
-global warming

Meet "healthcareWoman":

HealthcareWoman in paint:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

David Meanix

My top three painting of his:

I like this painting, as it is mysterious and open for interpretation. One might wonder why his face is ripped and why the object of the picture carries a blank expression.

I find this beautiful because of its uniqueness. I have never see artwork quite like it.

I enjoy this artwork simply because it is beautiful to look at.

I am a fan of David Meanix's work. He is original and his works are always open for interpretation. Meanix is the epitome of a creative individual.

Meanix's work is often base of fear. Here are my top 5 fears:

1. Aquaphobia- fear of drowning
2. Cancerophobia- fear of cancer
3. Mysophobia- fear of germs
4. Arsonphobia- fear of fires
5. Entomophobia- fear of insects

My own David Meanix poster:

Photo Mossaic