Friday, March 28, 2014

Reused Sculpture

-with Sophia Dybka-

paper clips, sandwhich sticks, pipe cleaners, felt, beads, water bottle parts, paint, magazine pieces, and paper were used.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Humans of Maple Shade

                                            "I'm a runner. I don't chase boys; I pass them."

"Be positive."

"Fail faster."

"Live life to the fullest."

"I' m tired."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Goldsworthy

Facts about Andy
-He loves nature
-He believes being intimate with nature will bring him closer to it
-He has worked in many places
-He is British
-He photographs practically anything he can get his hands on

My own:

Friday, March 14, 2014

Humans of New York

Just like JR's project, this showcases the diversity of multiple people and cultures. This movement, however, is confined to one area, while JR's is universal. Both movements use photography to showcase people exactly how they are. Both of these displays of artwork also work towards a better society for all of us. Humans of New York, unlike Inside Out, however, uses not only pictures, but quotes as well. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Watch the video:

This episode centers around three artists. They are Rackstrack Dawnes, Robert Mangold, and Sarah Sze. Dawnes focuses on landscape. He paints beautiful picture of multiple environments. He uses detail and precision. Mangold is a contemporary artist. He uses circles to tell stories. His work is very mysterious. Finally, Sze is a sculptor. Articulate, she uses scale to create sculpture that relate to nature. 

Currently, Dawnes is working on paintings in areas such as Texas. He mentions that he is very "possessive" of his areas and he does not like other artists there. Mangold is working on creating a wall for a building. He uses his usual shapes. He describes this as a "challenge". Sze, throughout the documentary, is working on a sculpture which illustrates negative space. The sculpture doubles as a bird feeder for pedestrians to admire. Sze, along with male friends, worked very hard to complete the sculpture. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

JR Unit

photograffeur- a person who captures street art with a camera, combining manmade art with electronic art

3 facts:
1. JR helped create the biggest illegal art expo in the world
2. JR remains anonymous 
3. He is greatly in support of Women's Rights, and several of his works were based on feminism

His work:

An image can make a person think. They can look at it and think endlessly about the intent or story behind it. One picture can educate us all. 


Friday, March 7, 2014

Doodle for Google

My favorite doodles:

 (This one is my favorite!)

(independence for Poles)

 (double helix swag)

The world would be a better place with:
1. more love
2. stronger determination
3. education for all
